Join us for Fall Zombie Land. October 25th – November 1st.
You can learn all about how this unique new world survival event to obtain the cure is played by…
Can you complete the Maze of Madness , or lose your mind trying?
Starting Saturday, October 19th 3PM CST
When it's time for the event to start a gate…
It's been a week since we released the expansion, and it’s been so much fun to see all the engagement with the new features! First,…
October 11th - 20th
Multiple Halloween Invasion Event. Three Invasion will run simultaneously. A Demonic Invasion, Spider Invasion, and Zombie Invasion.
Coven of Nightmares
Hear thy tale of…
Fall Donation Update
We have added some new fall hues to the Ultima Online Forever Donation Vendor. Most all hues have been added for Clothing, Meta Dyes, Ethereal Dyes, Spellbooks…
Keep an eye on your emails for a one day 2x Skill, XP and Loot boost coupon that we've now started to send. Send times can vary so please be…
Trash Cans: You are now able to place a total of FIVE trash cans per house.
House Commands: Added shortcuts for house commands.
"Lock down"/"lockdown" will now be the…
Butler Armor Icons now match their slot.
Fixed bug that allowed you to add multiple types to the weapon locker.
Made the Weapon Sorter Blessed.
Added the achievement effect for the Forever Online Client
Fixed the Forever Online Client's Enhanced Potion Macro
Fixed Dispersion hitting the correct number of targets, and will hit the…
Hello everyone! We are so excited to announce details about our upcoming expansion Overdrive: Reforged. We have looked at every aspect of our shard and asked ourselves: “How can we…
We are thrilled to announce that we have launched our new website. Please be patient as we continue to add more content over the next little while. Going forward we…